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A list and inside info about our amazing productions which include "12th Night and King Baabu "
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About Over The Edge
Who, what, why and where - more info about OTE than you can shake a stick at.
No not for your car! OTE organise drama workshops - get all the info here.

Scenes from Over the Edge's production of "King Baabu", by
Wole Soyinka
Photographs Copyright © 2003 by
Gorm Shackelford. All rights reserved

As performed by Over The Edge Theatre Company Zimbabwe
the Edge theatre company from Zimbabwe has created a stunning and moving
Dibdin, The Stage, 2001)
three-strong male cast is superb. Whipping off the simplest of costumes,
they transform themselves into multiple characters. The audience clapped
at the end of every scene and gave a standing ovation. What more need
I say? (Diane
DuBois, The Scotsman, 2001)
Night by William Shakespeare
performed and recreated by Over The Edge Theatre Company Zimbabwe
more could be said about a show which gets a standing ovation almost
before the actors come out to take a bow?
(Duska R. Heaney, The Stage, 2000)
there is enough joi de vivre here to fuel a small power-station.
(Joyce McMillan, the Scotsman, 2000)
companys delight in the wit of Shakespeares language and
the brilliant absurdity of his comic situations is a pleasure to share.
(Joyce McMillan, the Scotsman, 2000)